When children join us they cover six areas of learning these are:

  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Communication, language and literacy
  • Mathematical development
  • Knowledge and understanding of the world
  • Physical development
  • Creative development

This provide the foundation upon which all other learning is based.
The other forms of learning are:


As a staff we believe that children, whatever their background, ability or religious persuassion, will Find themselves able to benefit from the experience of Value/Moral/Religious Education.  It must be relevant to the needs of our pupils as member of pupils to understand the motivation of others. We believe that Value/Moral/Religious Education encourages a reflective approach to living, a knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs and practices and a development of personal skills in forming reasoned opinions, based on evidence and argument. Value/Moral/Religious Education makes a strong contribution to the spiritual, moral, social, cultural development of the pupils. Children will also be given the oppotunity to learn about and appreciate other religious, their differences and similarities.


We aim to teach our children to use language as effectively as they can in a wide variety of situations,as laid down in the National Curriculum and and the National Literacy Strategy. They Will be introduced to many types of literature including fiction, non-fiction and poetry and will be encouraged to read widely.

Our Aim is that all our Pupils will be able to:

  • Read and write with confidence,fluency and understanding.
  • Be able to use and apply a range of reading skills to monitor their reading and correct their own mistakes.
  • Understand and use their knowledge of phonics and spelling to read and spell accurately.
  • Have fluent and legible handwriting.
  • Have an interest in words and their meanings and develop a growing.


  • Know, understand and be able to write in a range of genres in fiction,poetry and understand and be familiar with some of the ways in which narratives are structured through ideas such as setting, character and plot.
  • Understand, use and write a range of nonfiction texts.
  • Have access to suitable technical vocabulary though which to understand and discuss their reading and writing.
  • Be interested in books, read with enjoyment and evaluate and justify their preferences.
  • Through reading and writing, develop their powers of inventiveness and critical awareness.


We are proud of the ICT facilities we have at our school. All classes have access to computers. Access to internet is carefully monitored to ensure that children are protected from inappropriate material. We have a school web-set which is up-dated regularly.
we teach ICT as a discrete subject as well encourage our children to use and develop their ICT skills across all other subjects. Our aim is to provide children with the skills to live in the 21 century and we are constantly updating our facilities to ensure our children have access to the best.


Our Sports calender is hectic and rich with opportunities for participation at all various level of competition.

  • House Sport
  • Regional Competitions
  • Community Sport
  • State Championship

Our Physical Education programme encourages the development of skills, fitness and confidence through participation in sports at many levels.Maximum participation is demanded of students. They are strongly encouraged to try out for House and School teams in a range of sports, and as individual in community, regional and state competitions. Through the House system (Monarch, King, Duke and Emperor) our students take part in earnest but friendly rivalry each term. Sports leadership opportunities exists for students of all levels to take responsibility for coaching, umpiring and managing both House and junior teams.


Students from classes 1 to 6 attend weekly programs, which are directed by the Art specialist, and cover a broad spectrum of medium. Skills developed in art utilized throughout the School. All class participants are introduced to a variety of artistic skills and vocabulary, so that they are better able to appreciate what they are viewing or creating with art forms available.


All children are expected to share their reading at home particulary in the early stages of learning to read. As children progess through the schools they will be bringing home tables and spelling to learn. Older children will be given task to complete in order to reinforce their learning and prepare them for secondary school. The older children in Classes 3,4,5 and 6 will have homework books where tasks are recorded. This is a very useful strategy for organizational skills in preparation for secondary school. We ask for parental co-operation in assuring that the child has a quiet, relaxed atmosphere in which to work.


These are held throughout the year. They range from football, volleyboll, basketball, athletic and chess to craft, keyboards, environmental, cricket, computer and martial arts club. Parental involvment with these is always welcome.
School Clubs:
We offer a wide range of lunchtime and after school clubs for our pupils.These include Football, Athletics, Dance and Martial arts to name just few.
Special Interest and fun Activities:
Students enjoy a range of special interest and fun activities before and after School. A number of subjects and optional activities are offered on an extracurricular basis to cater of the varied interests of our students.
Current Activities Include:

  • Academic Support
  • Drama
  • Environmental Club
  • Nature Club
  • Debating Society


We believe that there are many areas of knowledge and understanding that lie outside the National Curriculum. In Particular, the personal and Social development of the children is an area that has become an increasingly important part of children’s education.In order to allow individuals, friendship  groups, and classes to react to, and cope with, the pressures of the world around them, we allow time for talk, discussion and reflection so that everyone knows that they important and that their opinions are valued.